An incident is a security event that may result in damage to the organization’s data, systems or reputation. This can be caused by external attacks (e.g., hackers) or an internal attack (e.g., a disgruntled employee). In either case, the goal of Incident Response Cybersecurity is to identify and contain the threat before it causes any harm to an organization’s network and information assets.

Some common types of incidents are:

  • Technical incidents: These are caused by technical problems and include things like system outages, data loss and application errors.
  • Security incidents: These incidents are caused by security breaches and include things like data theft, denial of service attacks and malware infections.
  • Operational incidents: These incidents are caused by operational problems and include things like power outages, natural disasters and equipment failures.
  • Human factors incidents: These incidents are caused by human error and include things like user mistakes, process lapses and communication breakdowns.

An incident response plan is a set of procedures and guidelines that organizations use to manage and respond to incidents. The plan typically includes steps for identifying, containing and resolving incidents, as well as for communicating with stakeholders. Incident response plans help organizations to be better prepared for and respond more effectively to incidents. It is a critical part of any organization’s security posture In the event of a security incident, having a well-defined and well-tested plan can make the difference between a minor disruption and a major catastrophe.

There are three main reasons why an incident response plan is important:

  • First, it provides a clear and concise roadmap for how to handle a security incident. This helps to minimize the impact of the incident and prevent it from escalating into a larger problem.
  • Secondly, an incident response plan helps to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident. This prevents confusion and ensures that everyone is working together towards a common goal.
  • Finally, an incident response plan helps to improve an organization’s overall security posture by identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Incident Response  is a set of best practices for managing and responding to incidents. It is designed to help organizations of all sizes to plan for and respond to incidents in a consistent and effective manner.

The NIST Incident Response Framework consists of four phases:

  1. Preparation: This phase includes activities such as developing an incident response plan, establishing an incident response team and identifying and training response team members.
  2. Detection and Analysis: This phase includes activities such as monitoring for signs of an incident, identifying the scope and nature of an incident and determining the appropriate response.
  3. Containment, Eradication and Recovery: This phase includes activities such as isolating affected systems, eradicating the cause of the incident and restoring systems to normal operation.
  4. Post-Incident Activity: The final phase is to learn from previous incidents to further improve the incident response process. Any new data should be added to the preparation stage of the incident response plan.

An incident response plan is only as successful as the team that carries it out. To ensure the incident response plan is successful, you need to have a dedicated team of trained professionals who are ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. This team should be well-versed in the plan and should be able to execute it flawlessly. Furthermore, team members should be able to adapt the plan on the fly to accommodate any changes that may occur during an incident.

Setting up an efficient incident response plan right is a complex task. If you need a reliable partner to improve or create yours, feel free to contact us at